"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble"
Psal. 9:9
“We don’t exist simply to exist!” Tower of Refuge is a Church with a purpose!
One thing you will notice about the Tower of Refuge family is that we don’t brag on how great we are, we brag on God. We are a family of believers that are committed to Growing with God and are a people that Love to Worship HIM. We teach the truth of God’s Entire Word.
Tower of Refuge is NOT for the perfect, but for those that realize that they are in need of a God that is extending His Salvation through Grace and NOT by Works.
To be an actively loving body, building up individuals of all ages, cultures and walks of life. We seek to bring edification to those who hunger through teaching and by example. That, ultimately, we help them to build a faithful, mature and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our commission remains true with scripture; Make disciples and disciple makers who are equipped to go to the world, loving them as Christ does, so that they too may come to know Him.
Tower of Refuge is a Bible believing church, operating in Spirit and in Truth. We live our lives in the victory that only comes through the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We recognize the importance of Baptism in water, as well as the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
While TOR's roots are comprised of peoples from all backgrounds. We actively seek new opportunities to get outside of the walls of the building and take church to the community!